Sunday, May 20, 2012

A gauche, gaucher, ...

That the French have recently provoked a new socialist rally in Europe by their most recent election is not surprising, especially given the propensity for the French people against austerity and other restrictive measures in their history.  Originally, the French Revolution of 1789 itself might be construed at least in part a reaction to a kind of belt - tightening of its kind in the day.  The new socialist banner in the form of the French tricolor flying over the Elysee these days has one hearkening to the days, obviously, of the Mitterand regime of 1980's - 1990's character; a government at the time in tepid acceptance of the Stalinist past of Eastern Europe, and hedging its bets against anyone who might emerge victorious in the Cold War at the time (concluded probably officially in 1991, though marxism is apparently still officially, again, alive and well in a number of fine and notable nation - states at this point in 2012.)  The occasional resurgence of socialist politics in France, a la Martine Aubry, can not be interpreted literally as an overall acceptance of marxism in its various forms, but more a reaction to the politics of Charles de Gaulle that sought, despite the practical difficulty of this, to assert the identity and influence of the French everywhere and in as many societal domains as possible in order to separate the identification of France from that of a wine and cheese society.  De Gaulle did chase the grail of national identity in his own country, first through his military career and a number of wars, of which the terrible fights in places like Indochina and Algeria, away from colonial convenience and exploitation into the more modern world of industrial - strength international politics and administration.

Many of his countrymen in de Gaulle's time felt a great sacrifice for colonial ties and their efforts at socio - economic development of the colonies.  This de Gaulle also attempted to deal with by dissolving administrative ties and domains in many places that resulted in the French colonies and national territory shrinking significantly from status as the second world colonial power behind U.K. to perhaps the tenth.  People resented this, and as such this policy created many acute dramas in the politics of de Gaulle and his followers.  That the general passed from complications of angina late in life and that his departure from life was entirely natural was the envy of many French who worked in the colonies and believed in a far - reaching and influential France.  De Gaulle knew and knows in his entombment the influence of France is no less, and perhaps greater than in the days of the larger colonial territories and the debate on maintaining and keeping them or allowing them independence according to his belief was resolved in that even disaffected and far - flung places would keep their French identity, and they have done so to a great extent. 

The socialists who have come to power in that country in the latest presidential elections are not gaullists, even in the least, though they do believe in enhancing French influences in the world via different channels and different media, especially in the Southern Hemisphere, the Pacific Islands, and in the world at large that needs to develop a new appetite for French culture and institutions.   The socialists in Europe do believe in the superiority of urban life and while centric ideas are important and have a place, it is also important to know this is on the level of popular taste, not popular practice or any realm of possibility for most people.  French cities are like any big cities that have a heterogenious population and many indigenous people seek out more frugal ways to live when the country is under socialist influence, somewhat due to leftist backlashes but due also to real considerations about where the Paris - Bourse and the real estate markets are going in that country right now.  Under Mitterand, these two important sectors of the French economy were decimated, and the national treasury took on ways to build up the scale of government and implement works projects, even needlessly replacing pavestones, signposts and so forth.  Francois Hollande and his government are a derivative of this as the country has all the edifices it needs and a currently a tangled bureaucracy at the occasion of his inauguration a few days ago, for the most part.  What can the French do to avoid an exodus of capital and intangibles in view of Hollande's inheritance of the Mitterand regime and methods, and practices as off - the - shelf?

There is probably not very much that can be done first to assuage the French voting public who were irate enough with conservative measures to give the Hollandes a small majority mandate, and then to address the myriad of problems around public and international finances affecting the country at this point.  All this, though the socialists did comprise new methods to keep people at work and active, and additional benefits of equalizing opportunities and socio - economic statures of everyone in the nation and everywhere the French internationally are evindent as well.  The difficulty of this, as a legacy of first, again, the reluctance to continue with conservative policies, and then building the French image and commercial success anew will probably be much more expensive than anyone can imagine at this point into the future.  The profile of the country at this point might be more similar in character to an Argentina, or Portugal, for instance, with incipient and multiple systemic flaws in the weave of its political and administrative landscape.  France might even have difficulty selling tourism and its own cooking as places like New York, Brazilia, and Toronto have appeal for people with more gainful and promising adventures for travelers right now. 

Imitating the soviets and the form of socialism the country suffered through during the 1980's while blaming circumstances on the parties to the Cold War, the new French president Hollande probably has to speak with a thicker, more urbane, national accent; will have to materialize to an extent the requirement to stop the presses on his associates' economic and administrative aspirations, and the French might as well have to re - calibrate their societal efforts in different territories to allow the domestic government to continue with its convenience policies. This might in turn provoke some regret on the part of French voters against Sarkozy who pledged austerity and other economic measures not based upon a national decline, but issues in need of immediate remedy and immediate priority on the front - end. Socialism according to the Hollande government might just include a minimalist approach to overall policy as a saving measure despite the large political and societal landscape his administration has to cover, and despite the complexities of the country's international place. Then, some sort of "radiant future," or success campaign(s) including public finance might help the economy in its turbidity. This will take time as the world economy has to recover and the new leadership obviously will have its adventures and meddling to continue the intrigue.

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