Please pardon the brevity of this entry if things like weapons proliferation and global warming, etc., and other salient issues of the day are cause for greater discusssion - you can always leave comments of any length upon reading through this short editorial... . Anyone knows, that is anyone who listens to news or reads the paper, has access to information where the European Union is calling upon Germany to pivot on the resolution of the Greek and other economic crises there, inasmuch as the German people have more economic and financial clout today (in this world of crisis) than they have had in some time.
There are some reasons for this, not to assert any inappropriate traits in the German people, but, for example, that German reunification for Europe was probably the greatest and most beneficial event for all of Europe in a long, long time. This happening and its ramifications created considerable value for the European continent, and inasmuch as many people in Europe at this point believe they contributed to this, they now wish to harvest what they believe they have sown. There are reasons to believe, other than the assertions of those with a present will to power, that Berlin stood desparately on her own against the communists for a long time, and the current fiscal and monetary well - being of the German economy is due in fact to this unique, separate, and enteprise - oriented resourcefulness as represented by Berlin (possibly one day in the future the new "capitol" of Europe, cultural and otherwise.) That Berliners and those in other parts of Germany, and this is an oversimplification of course, have resolved the vicious political syndromes of the Cold War, and have for the long - term worked to assure the continuity of their own society, and this in a world of political and economic integration, illicits no rationale calling for Germans to bankroll the European crises at this point. There are precedents for this, of political and administrative self - interest trumping overall European interests in the past, and same for officials at the time within their regions and territories, voicing attitudes against turning their national treasuries upside down to compensate the profligacy of the day. Discuss.
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