Sunday, December 28, 2014

With the Cacaphony of Health News Lately -- Remember!

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In the Spirit of Christiaan Barnard. 

From one and only one thorough reading of Dr. Barnard’s last book as published in 2001, it does appear that there is credence of sorts to current admonitions about different health issues and his medical purview which was the human heart during the time he was alive.  It does appear by many measures, starting with transgenerational mass media like the “Beatles” (and their analogs) and the effects all their lives had on all our hearts, to more specific and individualized traits that each of us has, and Christiaan Barnard, in any review of his notes, saw not the catastrophe of human foibles leading to health issues, but the potentialities of taking the bad with the good, and hopefully for the good to prevail, especially concerning things like habit – forming substances and various behaviours around these and their derivatives that could be changed and then one’s individual health re – acquired.  One example of this is about smoking, in which Barnard chides the reader not about inundating oneself in tobacco and smoke, but suggests a number of time – honored palliatives and old – wives cures before suggesting seriously that one just “stop”. 

It might have been one of Barnard’s great and highly valuable observations that much around the health condition of any individual has to do directly with conditioning of various sorts that is really beyond the ordinary powers of the regular person to determine and to resolve apart from what one has the time to glean through the media itself, regular channels and the like.  In fact, the human health condition, and especially on the atomized individual level, is so complex and complicated that all Barnard could hope to do in attempting to reach most people would obviously be suggesting not actual medicines, drugs, compounds and so forth, but rules for personal use and behavior that honored the ethics of Aesclepius in helping his audience in their various health foibles and presumably poor habits with suggestions, if not strong ones at times, for changes or re – enforcing different behaviors,  it is possible the condition therefore of the health of each of us is not a closed system of inputs and outputs, processing of things and other predetermined processes, but a state of affairs that for each of us largely depends upon our habits and resolve to keep up the good ones and dispense with the bad. 

This calls for some moral and other uses of human judgment, other reasons for which Barnard finally published a book for the masses and health issues that takes from many, humanistic disciplines, and addresses human health issues, many of them apart from ordinary genetic and
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other pre – dispositions, actually from a “game changer” standpoint where if one has the resolve, one is always in a position not necessarily of direct choice but of volition about health issues and resolving them to ameliorate one’s state or condition before one’s physician or nurse practitioner.  It is a real leap to suggest that many, many health issues are resolved not by medicine itself, but by preventive behaviours, but this is apparently in fact what Barnard held as true in his 2001 text without going into it all.  Many even simple diseases or symptoms, while we are led down a garden path by things sometimes including not paying attention to symptoms, when they are telltale do warrant a medical visit and then simple changes in habit and behavior.  Eating ones vegetables is one such “game changing” factor, both literally and metaphorically as far as un – tidy behaviors are concerned, and for each of us as individuals, of which the following obvious examples :  Drinking and drugging, smoking, self – imposed stress (taking on too much at hand) or pressure and its derivative, anger in all its forms; eating fatty foods; negative or destructive preoccupations or thinking, often as engendered by mass media; trying to do too much with too little time; avoiding the chance to relax and the peaceful, bucolic interludes we all need in place of jerky and other activities of industrial – strength noise and chaos that one makes the norm for cheap thrills sometimes; avoiding exercise and so on.  With the New Year just around the corner, is this not something to take to heart or keep in mind?  Before doing anything about this, take a good look at oneself and remember that along with seeming choices there is strength of resolve and its power is in our ability to choose, yes, but to stick with things.  Great! 

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