Saturday, September 28, 2013

Les relations extérieures à la télé, ... .

Lettre publique destinée à la droite en France - 

Cher Monsieur ou Madame Représentant de l’U.M.P. :

Photo Média
A l’occasion de regarder le « PBS » aux EE.UU. aujourd’hui pendant l’heure de l’émission « Charlie Rose », programme télévisé d’interview et des évènements courants à présent, j’ai bien vu votre ministre [français] des affaires étrangères, Laurent Fabius, ancien pilote d’avion de chasse, en parlant avec M. Charlie Rose sur le sujet de la politique de la crise au Moyen Orient et surtout au sujet des circonstances pour les rebelles et les challenges sur le gouvernement syrien en faisant face a.  à la politique et les conflits de guerre civile, b.  l’emploi du gaz [] sur le point des missiles envoyées aux faubourgs de Damas, et c.  au dialogue international sur les liens entre l’état des affaires actuellement en Syrie, la politique étrangère de la Russie et les efforts nucléaires d’Iran, Syrie et leurs voisins dans la région.

La parole de M. Fabius était formidable et est à suivre peut – être pour les raisons suivantes :  M. Fabius dans son fondement et formation voit bien les perçus et attitudes, ambitions et la volonté de l’arabe sous Islam – ce qui est une pointe de repère pour la politique socialiste influente dans votre région.  Egalement, il cautionne fortement un jugement sur la politique syrienne en tant qu’encore soumettant aux souhaits Russes, Iraniens, et autres en place au débat aux Nations Unies, même de la Chine, les pays de l’Afrique et autres états non – alignés à l’assemblée de l’O.N.U. M. Fabius fortement et de plusieurs côtés ait mentionné son rôle dans la conduite et la volume du débat, et le rôle en même temps du gouvernement en France en offrant des avis à faciliter une solution à ces problèmes extrêmement complexes une fois examinés les courants de l’histoire quoique récente [en] la Syrie, et du « printemps arabe ».  Son point de vue, bien entendu dans le raisonnement des socialistes dans votre pays, est exprimé dans une parole qui souffre d’un analyse de base sous - détaillé aussi bien d’une hauteur qui ait montré de nouveau les détails de la pensée vivement exprimée de son ancien chef François Mitterrand qui n'ignorait souvent que « l’Internationale » dans ses pratiques et pensées.

Celles - ci pourraient être comprises autant perspicaces par les socialistes en France que dangereuses par les adhérents aux autres coins de la politique en le pays dans le sens que M. Mitterrand fût pendant l’époque très arrogant en son pouvoir exercé au niveau de ces grandes lignes, une fois donné la politique du pétrole, des terroristes dans la région et partout, des idées globales de l’Islam et autres coins idéologiques et dogmatiques sur l’échelle en réaction à la pensée, moralité, même la façon de vivre des français et françaises.  Ici compris est le hasard du parler familier dans les interviews à l’étranger par les hommes politiques socialistes de la France qui sont souvent coupables d’utiliser la presse et les médias à l’étranger en tant que labo pour leurs idées faisant appel à leur point de vue mondiale.  Laurent Fabius est un homme brave et formidable dans son attitude pratique et son usage du langage de la politique, et même encore en le cas qu’il conduit son avion de chasse ; mais les idées délicates et susceptibles, et sensibles de la guerre en Syrie, celles des armes très destructrices y utilisées contre les rebelles et maquis, et les courants idéologiques dans le voisinage ne doivent pas être sujets ni au niveau de l’expérimentation verbale ni aux regards en arrière vers les pouvoirs de gauche du passé n’ayant pas été capable à résoudre ces difficultés ni pour les français ni pour les autres.  Les socialistes en France continuent à chercher des richesses et l’influence partout en commandant une sorte de dictature de la pensée selon l’ancienne - nouvelle politique de Mitterrand qui se soulève à l’occasion d’un appel de la gauche en France.  La populace doit regarder sur ses caractères, et au – dessus de tout de la gauche à ce sujet, dans les débats politiques à Paris et en province, et dans le pays partout.  Je vous prie de pardonner les fautes stylistiques et d’orthographe ici et vous souhaite tout le bien pour le présent et le l’avenir.

Avec mes meilleurs aveux,

Californie, EE.UU.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Remembering the Washington, D.C., Naval Yard Incident of September 16, 2013.

Shang hai - symbol of success of the 'three represents' - belated book review.

The Man Who Changed China:   The Life and Legacy of Jiang Zemin, by Robert Lawrence Kuhn, Crown Books 2004.

Media Photo
By the “Three Represents”, now in the lexicon of Chinese political thought and part of what the P.R.C. constitution preaches at this point, Jiang Zemin, leader of China during much of the Clinton and Bush years in the U.S., provided for P.R.C. pride and Chinese patriotism in his wording of a renewed emphasis on Marxist – Leninist thought, the dogma of Mao Zedong, and additionally Deng Xiao ping political / economic theory.  While the rise of Shang hai as a provincial and commercial capitol in the P.R.C. was important for that country and coincided with the rise of Mr. Jiang (a former mayor of the city of Shang hai) who became the president of the P.R.C.  These primary principles of political and ideological theory as espoused by Mr. Jiang in practice dealt with agenda items like modernizing the military on the mainland, modernizing political and administrative services processes and practices in P.R.C., and an effort to fight corruption in upholding age – old values of the “rule of law” and a spirit of “virtue” that have a long history in Asia under a Confucian tradition and other traditions on the mainland that recall the great historical legacy and rear view the administration has had after the events of Tian An men in 1989 when Mr. Jiang was a general secretary.  Also included in any implementation of Mr. Jiang’s primary political theory were efforts to reform state – owned enterprises (SOE’s), and revamp the P.R.C. financial sector and rural economy, and the overall increasingly successful effort in itself of the Chinese asserting themselves in the world. 

The commercial and business economy of the P.R.C. as of 1989 was still a “planned” economy, though the agenda items of Mr. Jiang obviously, with their rightist tendencies that had become more admissible at the time, facilitated more market – based activities in the country and in areas of P.R.C. influence politically and economically.  This Mr. Jiang called “advancing through the times”, and I believe my quotes are not out of context here, in validation of the socialist market economy on the mainland, domestic and international, in a kind of “capitalism with Chinese characteristics”.  Mr. Jiang, as a trained social scientist and natural scientist made all personal and professional efforts to revitalize the country primarily through simple re – emphasis and validation, again, of science and education, and this without interfering with the overall workings of the country’s establishment, especially the scientific one there.  This was accomplished somewhat by sending young Chinese scientists to the U.S. to pursue college and university educations (in 2002 over 60,000 students of whom more than 50,000 returned home at the end of their educational terms).  Mr. Jiang, despite being a scientist and engineering type, among the elite in his own state, in his public emphasis upon bringing up the country using his own methods, called for, validated and greatly lauded achievements among the greater populace in carrying out his principles and their practices.  

The time of Mr. Jiang as president of P.R.C. saw pretty much the end of “state means of production” and “dictatorship of the proletariat” as well, though not primarily so, the “each according to his ability and each according to his need” – type civic governance so ridden with vice and corruption as it had been for years on the mainland, and ridden as well with other discouraging tendencies emphasizing the class struggle.  These new principles in practice also meant the end of the overall leviathan power of industrial development and a new primacy recognizing the information age.  In this, Mr. Jiang demonstrated missionary and fanatical zeal, especially concerning the outdated workings of the communist party and how masses of people were treated by the system on the mainland.  These extremely successful efforts, probably the result of many other reforms besides the three basic principles above, and much more administrative and other work than meets the eye here, are reified in what many see today, citizens and tourists alike in P.R.C., as the achievements of the rebuilding, renewal and modernization of the city of Shang hai without interference or any cancelling out of influences of places in P.R.C. like Nan jing, Hong Kong, Guan dong, Bei jing and so forth. 

It is also very important to know that the “Three Represents” comprise not just old and simple ideas as dressed up for modernity.  These principles are communist ideas made to address new concerns of Marxist – Leninist ideology in advancing the productivity, status and dynamism and building up of a material civilization of this managed economy (no longer referred to, for example, as a non – market economy).  The obverse of the Cultural Revolution, intended at the time to discourage intellectuals, these three new edicts call upon innovators, entrepreneurs, and intellectuals now in the vanguard of a “new society” as primary sources for building up the country.  The text goes into considerable detail about how the implementation of these principles worked and much of the language behind them, especially the new de – emphasis of the party role vis – a – vis the masses (primarily industrial workers and farmers), that encompasses the party and the populace on all levels.  Much of this new doctrine was criticized in P.R.C. from the left as ideological ‘pollution’, and as a result was only really established as Mr. Jiang recently left office.  The movement itself is encapsulated in five primary public speeches by Mr. Jiang during the time 1978 – 2001 that illustrated the objectives of controlled political reform while preventing dissension and disagreement, repression and so on, especially again after Tian An men.  Reforms were founded on a basis of enlisting socio – economic stability among the populace and for example, discouraging anti – capitalist (read “anti – U.S.”) attitudes, the greatest good for the greatest number, and a vision of success for all stakeholders – these factors all despite the absence of democracy.  Considering the international public’s view of the success of newly – redeveloped Shang hai and related places, the achievements of the 2008 Olympics, successes in the war against terrorism, and acceptance worldwide of the new dogma; the efforts at reform have been even more successful with the country’s communist party that while it now cannot control everything allows some small non – communist political activities and party organisations, cooperation of non – communists and NGO’s with the party, and the new rise of the C.P.C. as a model guarantor of the state’s integrity, leadership strength and other attributes, Chinese nationalism, and new Marxist thought of which former soviet influences and followings.  The three principles are said to have modernized the party, economics of the country, while retaining the traditional communist goals, structures and social rules that have been in place for more than a generation. 

This was brought about by an emphasis upon youth and renewal, and new colleagial and consensus – building administrative guidelines.  Those carrying out these efforts have presumably been part of the “inner party” of educated, talented, and sophisticated, dedicated elite acting against corruption and with a transitory character according to the modern realities of communism.  With the legacy of Deng Xiao ping theory it has been very difficult to assure or re – establish social stability after the events of 1989, though Mr. Jiang is said to have provided the country with consistent reform efforts featuring his executive, engineering and leadership qualities:  For Mr. Jiang, if you will, a sort of combination or cross between Beethoven and Shakespeare.  Things might nonetheless have been like the old Phoenix Cardinals playing the Houston Oilers in the day, but this series of coup reforms by Mr. Jiang was quite successful and extremely popular at the same time as based on intellectual and patriotic ideas and the power of same in efforts as well to dispel income disparities, master world macro – economics and inflation and fight corruption, over – taxation and unemployment.  The language used in the book mirrors the language about economics in the Western press and speaks authoritatively thereby, and by this calling for the old adage “trust but find fairness in it.”  The text proceeds to illustrate how the new principles and processes worked, and goes on and on about much of it while richly illustrating the story of Mr. Jiang including a good section of chapters on early life and political formation.  And that’s not all.    

2013 Blog Article - Wall Street Journal.

re - edited 09/28/2013.

Monday, September 9, 2013

iPod, iPad, iPad mini, iPhone, iTunes, iApps, iCloud ... .

I do really like the iPod:

The 'iPod Image."

Reviews for the iPod.

The Old "Follow Me."

This gets a little old, not to mention just the overall toll of the wars in the Middle East, but with respect to prospective ones, including a possible introduction to additional conflicts by the proposed air and other coordinated strikes the U.S. president is trying to persuade the U.S. public and legislature about at this point.  In spirit, and in seeing the cataclysmic gassing of al – Assad’s people by their own, internally trusted regime, is an abomination.  Most people are able to agree on that.  Al – Assad will, win, lose or draw, in this current situation, cite extenuating and special circumstances relating to the status of those gassed and killed, or those gassed and injured, with a dismissal that characterizes the completely callous and unoriginally diabolical mentality as shown by the leaders of soviet client and former soviet client countries.  Years ago, under the Hussein regime in Iraq, there was a huge to – do about the gassing and other violent things done to the Kurds in Northern Iraq.  Hussein at the time simply indicated to a disbelieving and humane, and otherwise well – thinking Western public that the Kurds were unwanted and needed to be eliminated due to their rabble rousing and trouble – making on the Iraqis.  This writer predicts al – Assad will use much the same rationale, that the people are unwanted and are hooligans and really nobody who knows his details really cares, and he needs to by this answer to a world judicial court for war crimes; the difficulty will be in enforcing international law and actually bringing al – Assad into court session, presumably in Brussels or in the Hague.

People like me are wholeheartedly in the camps of the current Secretary of State (John Kerry) and the U.S. president Obama when they call for military retaliation against the Syrian regime for the crime of using wide – area weapons, nerve agents and gasses that are carried by the wind and that cover more of an expanse under the circumstances than for instance a bombing would, against his own populace.  This is not just because a report or two got out of Syria this had happened and people have to mention themselves in one camp or another, but simply because, and this despite the risks the regime has taken that have jeopardized its stability and further favorability to the West in westernizing and reforming its institutions; gassing people is wrong.  Innocents by this meet their ends and others at least come very close to passing in very isolated, controlled and gruesome ways from this life, which had for them great value and great potential, especially among the young, and at least the morality of the destruction of gassing agents and nerve agents, etc., and the sinister and overall criminal minds by their deployment against one’s proper citizens, makes the act of using such agents inadmissible and criminal in act, intent, and in the planning and stated or unstated purpose of such attacks against, again, innocents for the most part.  Despite the overall repressiveness of regimes like the one in Syria, and the connection of that regime to former communist principal(s) who are arms dealers and economic and commercial suppliers (sometimes gratis) of goods and other material for domestic consumption by the country’s elites and for war, its people should be allowed to live their lives to the fullest, and this given what is called for morally and normally within Syrian society.  What has the U.S. president asking our legislature and others for support in an attack against these perpetrations is his, again overall and entirely correct, principal or self – governing rule or rules about the sanctity of human life; something extremely valuable taught in every college at Harvard and instilled in the gifted people who attend there.  That academic experience having been only the beginning for many such people leads for many of them to further complexity and complications as to what should be done in circumstances such as are now in Syria with the regime caught in self – destructive mode and turning on its people. 

What is to be done?  By this writing, and because there is no consensus imperative, the Russian regime itself is readying or at this time shipping supplies and war machinery; arms and so forth, to Syria to deter and possibly abate a U.S. military strike before it might even be arranged, the facts here beg the question “What are you doing?”  Such an interlocution should be allowed with the Russians compelled to answer as to what their intentions are in supplying arms, anti – missile and anti – aircraft, anti – personnel and anti – rebel devices and equipment in the scope of an outdated and obsolete purpose of constant efforts to “secure the near abroad” and so forth, and I paraphrase here.  Such thinking, with the mobility of armies and air forces, and other factors is completely, obviously archaic and un – called for at this time, though these arms dealers, reason that in the deployment of their war apparatus they will probably handle forty percent of the issues against Western powers and influences they need to, and there will be so much conventional destruction that Westerners will tire of the conflict and pick up and go home:  An example of pre WWII political thinking that needlessly and eventually caused so much damage.  This is what has the State Secretary and U.S. president so involved in promoting their plans to protect and preserve what’s left of our allies in the places involved and their peoples, if not a good amount of the infrastructure in the country and other valuable attributes it has despite its not being, for example, a place like Israel, a modern functional country.  Lebanon is probably a more functional place than Syria at this point and our U.S. president does not want to be chief executive as well of the Middle East.  Absolutely not, and the talk of it, even anything provoking such impressions and thinking about things this way is nonsense and hogwash.