South Bay prostitution ring shut down, police say - San Jose Mercury News
Why is prostitution wrong? ... Morally and legally wrong? Some people do believe this sort of behaviour is alright and needs to be legal, just like the "fun" of taking drugs should be legal. The basic principle of such arguments is a kind of relativism where most people just have their own moralistic ideas that are self - referential, and are free to create catastrophes and disasters out of others who are essentially vulnerable and without resources, and whom society considers unfit to work or contribute otherwise.
The overall difficulty of such behaviour is there is a demand for it as far as "helping" keep a family or relationship together or "using" such persons to keep a life intact, under the guise of illegal and / or immoral behaviour, however justified. Society's institutions, despite the myth to the contrary, have never been held together, nor really helped by this sort of perfidity and illegality. Such behaviour is counter productive and is also disastrous for the women and children who are compelled to enter into these activities that are destructive to everyone, including the social fabric of society in our country. Basic writings on psychology, such as Civilisation And Its Discontents (S. Freud,) speak to the overall uselessness and wastefulness of these behaviours, especially in the tally of lives cast into a social abyss, and despite the common belief among some that they are constructive and useful, and that they have their place: Everything gets "messed up" when you begin believing drugs and prostitution need to be legal and considered an ordinary and moral woof and wissom in the workings of our modern world.
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